Everything that you should know about cannabis

Cannabis is a group of three plants – Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis
Ruderalis. The flowers of these plants are dried, which makes what is called a weed. Cannabis is
usually used for relaxing effects. Cannabis is given in many medical conditions like chronic pain,
poor appetite and glaucoma.

Cannabis has almost 120 compounds known as cannabinoids. Experts do not exactly know what
all these compounds do, but two components among all are getting highly popular, which are –
CBD and THC for their therapeutic effects. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid which is
beneficial in many medical conditions like inflammation, pain, migraines, seizures, and anxiety.
THC is the psychoactive compound present on the cannabis, and it is responsible for getting you

Cannabis is illegal in many places, but now that the studies are proving the health benefits of
Cannabinoids, more and more states are legalizing it for medical and recreational use.

Noah Harris: Noah Harris is a editor-in-chief of cbd181.com. He started his career as a freelance writer. He writes on topics like health care. He loves reading medical magazines.